To book the apartment, please check the calendar at the bottom of the page for availability. You can BOOK ONLINE, using the check in date button at the bottom of the page. Or call us on 07891 604432.
After you request a booking we will make sure the property is still available for your chosen dates.
If the dates are available and you wish to book, you will be asked to pay a 25% booking deposit. This deposit secures your booking and a provisional booking will then be made.
You can pay the balance by bank transfer, or any credit and debit card, American Express or PayPal. Upon receipt of your booking request, we will send you email confirmation and payment details.
We aim to keep the table as up to date as possible and it is usually updated within a few hours of a booking being confirmed.
We require the balance 4 weeks prior to arrival. If the booking is made less than 4 weeks prior to the arrival date, the balance is required in full. If booking online, we will contact you with full details of how to pay.
Please read our Holiday Letting Agreement which is incorporated into the Terms and Conditions attachment below, to ensure that you are happy to proceed with the booking.
Thank you.